Back to School Letter from the Principal

Posted August 18, 2023

Wonderful PREP Families,  

I’m excited to see that we are just a few days away from the start of school.   It has been a summer filled with changes that are noteworthy here at PREP Academy. First, we welcome new staff. They are Mrs. Hagerty, assistant principal; Stephanie Smekens, dean of culture; Mayra Castanon, office manager; and Janiece Montoya, middle school ELA teacher.  Welcome to the PREP family.   We also have adopted a new vision, which is “ Students will be empowered to engage in authentic & purposeful self-discovery “. Our motto is “Pursuing success for all”.  We have redesigned the look of the building with decor on the walls, the creation of the Bulldog lounge for students, and the refitting of the cafetorium to a more traditional style look. We also have different schedules for our middle and high school because students have different needs and experiences in middle and high school.  We will continue to have an open lunch policy for our high school students, but middle school students will operate on a traditional, school-managed lunch schedule. We will soon share our student/family handbook and post it on the website for more specific information about policies and systems that you need to be aware of as we start the school year. 

I continue to be grateful for your support of our school and for you entrusting the education of your children to us. We know you have many choices and you have chosen us. We do not take this for granted. Our sincere hope is that you have an experience that shows we are a community of educators who are here to support, listen, provide answers, and make you feel like family.  Anything else would not meet our standards. PREP Academy is definitely on the move. We are committed to getting better in every classroom, every day.  Finally, we are asking for families to make a commitment to our collaborative school committee (CSC), which is an advisory group to the school leadership. We meet once a month to talk about important operational and instructional policies.  Your input is essential. We need you! Thanks again for reading this important information and we look forward to seeing you and your children on August 21st. Please reach out if you have any questions.  Please see the key dates and reminders below:

Dates and Reminders

September 4th: Labor Day (No School)

September 22nd: DPS Professional Day (No School for Students)

***We are planning a Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month Celebration Event that will occur toward the end of September – more information to come!

Respectfully yours and in collaboration, 

Dr. Carter